How Can We Help You?
Atlanta Inner-City Ministry Offers A variety of services to support
individuals and families in our community.
Programs for your Kids
Elementary: Tuesdays
Middle & High: Thursdays
Each week, we offer specialized programing for kids and teenagers in our community. This time involves social time, Bible study, and small group discussion. During these environments, all participants are given a snack and/or meal, and are provided transportation to and from our facility.
Contact us to learn more about getting your kids involved.
Food Pantry
Every second & fourth Thursday
Twice a month, Atlanta Inner-City Ministry has a an open food pantry that provides basic food and pantry needs.
Our pantry is open from 11:00am - 1:00pm every 2nd and 4th Thursday.
We're located at 1966 Lakewood Ter SE, Atlanta GA, 30315
Registration is NOT required for our food pantry, but please reach out with any questions.
Emergency Clothing
Every second & fourth Thursday
Twice a month, we offer emergency clothing support for individuals and families in our community. Clothing support is available at the same time and place as our food pantry, and is available to anyone who has a need.
Clothing is available between 11:00am - 1:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday.
We're located at 1966 Lakewood Ter SE, Atlanta GA, 30315
Registration is NOT required for our clothing services, but please reach out with any questions.